
The importance of a greeting

In this blog post, I share a short video of Dalmatian Velo's greeting when I arrived at his home for his regular therapy session. Beyond starting the day in a positive way for both of us, the greeting gives me important information that I couldn't necessarily see in a clinic setting. Mobile services are excellent for many reasons!

Doggy quote of the month for July

The quote of the month for July is from Leonardo da Vinci and features long-time client, Stan

Early Antarctic explorers malnourished their dogs

Research from our own Canterbury Museum shows that the early explorers of Antarctica had the right food food their dogs, but they underestimated how many calories the dogs needed

Puppies are wired to communicate with people

Researchers at the University of Arizona are studying communication skills in puppies as part of research into finding the dogs which make the best assistance dogs. Puppies have the innate ability to communicate and learn more as they grow...

Giving back, paying forward

In my latest blog, I discuss the various ways our business supports the local community and charitable causes. I am often approached to make donations to fundraisers, but there are other ways businesses can give back and pay it forward, too.

Indie Vets

Indie Vets is a new collective of privately-owned and operated vet clinics in New Zealand. You'd be surprised to know just how few independent clinics which are left in the country. In this NZ Dog World column, I discuss the challenges and benefits of running an independent practice.

Long-term stress in dogs linked to the owner-dog relationship

The relationship a dog has with its owner is related to its stress level, suggests new research.

Have dog, will travel – a book review

I have a growing collection of dog-related books in my home; this is one of the latest. It's a memoir by Stephen Kuusisto who was born legally blind but 'managed' his disability by pretending it didn't exist until he found himself out of a job at age 38 and with limited prospects. A guide dog named Corky changed his life. A very good read...

Petting therapy dogs enhances thinking skills of stressed students

Research from Washington State University has found that programmes that exclusively focused on petting therapy dogs improved stressed-out students’ thinking and planning skills more effectively than programmess that included traditional stress-management information. Dogs have the super power of stress reliever!

Is he or she partnership material? Ask your dog!

A new survey out of America has found that dog parents rely a lot on their dogs to help them choose a next partner (68% said that their pet has the final say). I think this is great! Your dog was here first and they should have input about your partner. Trust their judgment.

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Doggy Mom
The blog about everything dog

I've been blogging since 2010 about a range of dog issues. I particularly like sharing the latest research news and I always share a Doggy Quote of the Month