
Modern sledge dogs

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have looked into the evolution and DNA of sledge dogs in the Arctic. Their history goes back an estimated 9,500 years!

Understanding one another

In my latest blog, I talk about the benefits of developing a good understanding of your dog's verbal and non-verbal communication. There are videos of Izzy, too.

Doggy quote of the month for August

“When your children are teenagers, it’s important to have a dog so that someone in the house is happy to see you.”

– Nora Ephron

I wish we’d known about you sooner

In this post, I talk about health care rather than sick care for dogs. I sometimes am asked to work with dogs only when they are palliative care cases; but my real passion is supporting dogs for lifelong wellness and working with them on the journey of ageing.

Oil spill clean-up gets ‘doggone’ hairy

Researchers at the University of Technology Sydney have found that dog hair is highly effective in absorbing oil spills. Could this be a new, sustainable use for dog grooming waste?

When should you neuter your dog to avoid health risks?

Researchers at UC Davis have published the results of a 10-year study across 35 breeds to give guidelines about when (and if) to neuter your dog.

Respect the Neck

In the July edition of the Canine Corner, I discuss the research from the UK about the pressures on a dog's neck when they are walked with the lead attached to their collar. I see many dogs with neck problems in my practice - virtually all have been walked on collars with various degrees of on-lead training.

Izzy’s Words of the Day from Lockdown

This post on is a compilation of the photos/words that Izzy hosted on our Facebook page during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Positive Ageing

In the June edition of NZ Dog World, I asked my clients about what positive ageing means for dogs and there were several common themes...

Digitise your dog

Researchers at the University of Bath are honing the ability to film dogs in 3D without expensive multi-camera setups like those used in the movies. While it is tempting to make this technology into computer games, the application to dog rehabilitation and gait analysis are what intrigues me. I would love to have the technology adapted so I can use it in my practice.

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Doggy Mom
The blog about everything dog

I've been blogging since 2010 about a range of dog issues. I particularly like sharing the latest research news and I always share a Doggy Quote of the Month